Let me start this off by saying I am a mascara JUNKIE. I am obsessed with different mascaras and often wish I had 10 eyes to use my mascaras on. I am not over picky on high end or drug store, I mainly focus on formula and brush. For instance, this mascara was a disappointment for me all around. I can't really express to you how sad this makes me. I'd cry but this "better than waterproof" mascara would smudge all over my eyes.
I tried to like this. I used it for 2 weeks. I tried curling and then applying it... I tried applying it then curling my lashes. I even tried curling, applying and curling again. I just cannot do anything with this mascara! It is a very dry mascara, and flakes quite easily. Which is strange because I could have sworn in the store is was a much more wet formula... which is why I thought I bought it in the first place. However, it was late and I was desperate for a mascara for my friend's wedding and maybe just wanted to find a mascara and picked this one up out of convenience of being at CVS (Beauty 360).
Ok, dry mascaras. People love them.. I do not. They do not stick to my lashes as well, although it gives you nice "I'm not wearing mascara" look which is never what I am looking for. I want ridiculous length, volume and curl holding power. This just does not deliver.
I can even deal with a crap formula if they give me a decent brush. This is very basic and large. It doesn't get where I would like it to go, I can't "define" my lashes because the fiber bristles are so tightly together in a spiral brush that it can't grab individual lashes. Especially because the formula was so dry. I do not want to hate on Cargo... but I am starting to not have much faith in their products. Maybe I will find something to prove me wrong. Probably not anytime soon though, this was much too much money ($19.99 USD) to waste on a product that I will never EVER use again.
As for removal of the product, supposedly comes off in tubes with warm water. I apparently have no idea how to do this so I go for the try to "slide" the "tubes" off but actually just get it all over my eyes and face approach. It is not working well for me. I am going to retire this mascara to the garbage can now, since I did my review. As I said I would. Now for the lack luster pictures. By the way, my eyelashes are not short. So if it looks like there is length, that is just my eyelashes and has nothing to do with this mascara. It did nothing but make them kind of black.

I am working on my face routine posts, so check back for those shortly. Hope you are having a wonderful day!
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