I was in need of a waterproof mascara. My childhood friend of 15+ years was getting married! I was in the bridal party as a bridesmaid and did not want to look like the hysterical mess I was. So, being me.. I used it as an excuse to venture into the world of waterproof mascaras. I do not buy waterproof mascaras because they normally flake on my lashes and get a hot mess going all over my under eye and cheek area. I decided to hit up Beauty 360 at CVS. The ladies there were quite nice... but really knew nothing. Otherwise they would not have pointed me to this mascara that I should have READ before purchasing (this retails $20.00, by the way). Tears=warm water. LUCKILY, I read this part a few days before the wedding.. UNFORTUNATELY I read it after I had already tested it out at home.

I *did* buy a waterproof mascara that worked beautifully... that my friend, shall wait until the next post.
P.S. Those who are wondering.. she was beautiful and I haven't seen her happier! Congrats Brian & Kyla!